Physical education
Task B&C - Unit 2 Self-employment in Sport and Physical Activity Supporting document
This resource is a supporting document for the assessment booklet covering Task B&C for Unit 2 - Self employment, Sport and Physical activity covering the following learning outcomes and grading criteria.
Learning aim B: Design a strategy for self-employment in the sports, fitness and outdoor activities industry
Learning aim C: Present and review the feasibility of the self-employment strategy
B.P3, B.P4, B.M2, B.D2
C.P5, C.M3, C.D3
On the BTEC Foundation diploma in Sports Coaching and Development.
Task B&C - Unit 2 Self-employment in Sport and Physical Activity Assessment Booklet
This resources is an assessment booklet covering Task B&C for Unit 2 - Self employment, Sport and Physical activity.
Covering the following criteria and learning outcomes.
Learning aim B: Design a strategy for self-employment in the sports, fitness and outdoor activities industry
Learning aim C: Present and review the feasibility of the self-employment strategy
B.P3, B.P4, B.M2, B.D2
C.P5, C.M3, C.D3
On the BTEC Foundation diploma in Sports Coaching and Development.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Endocrine System Responses
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for A6 Endocrine System Responses to exercise for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Causes of fatigue
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for B1 Causes of fatigue for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Task A assessment booklet - Unit 2 - Self employment, Sport and Physical Activity
This resources is an assessment booklet covering Task A for Unit 2 - Self employment, Sport and Physical activity covering Learning aim A: Explore self-employment within the sports, fitness and outdoor activities industry. Including the following criteria A.P1, A.P2, A.M1, A.D1.
On the BTEC Foundation diploma in Sports Coaching and Development.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Over-training
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for B4 Overtraining for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Nervous System responses
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for A5 Nervous System Responses to exercise for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Endocrine adaptations
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for C6 Endocrine adaptations to exercise for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Cardiovascular Adaptations
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for C4 Cardiovascular System Adaptations to exercise for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Nervous System adaptations
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for C5 Nervous System adaptations for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Unit 1: Exercise Physiology Thermoregulation
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome for D4 Thermoregulation for Exercise Physiology on the BTEC Sport Science Program.
Task A - Unit 2 Self-employment in Sport and Physical Activity Supporting document
This resources is a supporting document for the assessment booklet covering Task A for Unit 2 - Self employment, Sport and Physical activity covering Learning aim A: Explore self-employment within the sports, fitness and outdoor activities industry.
On the BTEC Foundation diploma in Sports Coaching and Development.
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology Effects of Exercise on Respiratory System
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome C - The effects of exercise on the Respiratory System for the Unit 1 Anatomy and Physiology for the BTEC Sport program
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology Effects of Exercise Skeletal System
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome A Effects of exercise on skeletal system for Anatomy and Physiology on the BTEC Sport and Sport Science Programs.
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology the effects of exercise on the Muscular System
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome, B - The effects of exercise on the Muscular system, for Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology on the BTEC Sport program.
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology Effects of Exercise on Cardiovascular System
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome, D - The effects of exercise on the Cardiovascular system, for Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology on the BTEC Sport program
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology Respiratory system label and match
This is a resource that covers the respiratory system and allows students to identify the structures based on a description. Students are also able to label the respiratory system on this worksheet. It is used for Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology on the BTEC sport program but can be used for any anatomy units.
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology The effects of exercise on the Energy Systems
This is a resource that covers the entire learning outcome, E - The effects of exercise on the Energy Systems for Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology on the BTEC Sport program
Unit 1: Fitness for Sport Components of fitness quiz
This is a quiz on the components of fitness for Unit 1: Fitness for Sport on the Btec First Diploma.
Unit 1: Fitness for Sport Components of fitness fill in the gaps.
This resource is an activity for unit 1: Fitness for sport on the Btec First diploma. It is a worksheet for components of fitness whereby learners are required to fill in the gaps.